
Showing posts from March, 2017

Permanent Debt as an Economic Strategy

Message from both Obama & Trump administration's DoE. Sub-prime loans.  Let me tell you about sub-prime loans… I got one.  I got 8 actually because I went to that worthless piece of garbage for-profit not-center-of-higher-education, ITT Tech.  To hell with ITT Tech.  I went there because I squandered my opportunity at a real college and couldn't get tuition assistance.  ITT Tech got me a student loan at 22% interest.  That’s right.  A student loan at 22% interest.  And because they have quarters instead of semesters, I got that 4 times a year.  After the first quarter of straight A-s for this 2.86 high school GPA student, I was rewarded with federal financial aid as well.  I never saw a penny of it because ITT, Corinthian, AIA and others make sure those payments go straight to the bursar and into their fat bank accounts. From J.K. Cody, a former financial aid officer at ITT Tech: “Another interesting fact about ITT...